Affirmation Cards

“I recognize the talents and gifts of others and see how they can best be put to use” – From the Projector ‘Type’ card

“Even though it is against my nature, I let those around me know what I am planning to do before I do it. This will put others at ease and smooth the way for my actions” – From the Manifestor ‘Strategy’ card

“I am inherently shy and seem to be unaware of my gifts. I have to be called out by others in order to share my talents” – From the ‘Profile’ card of the Hermit/Opportunist

“What are Affirmation cards?” you ask

As is hidden in the word, an affirmation affirms something that is true; it asserts what is a fact

In the case of these Human Design cards, what the card states is what is true for you according to how you are designed. It is a reminder, just in case you have forgotten your strengths and perhaps challenges

You can use these custom-designed cards to refer to at a moment’s notice and remember who you were meant to be

Most useful for adults, these Affirmation cards are created from the personal set of criteria according to your Design

·        Affirming statements about who you are as one of the four Human Design Types

·        Reminders of the special aspects you carry as one of the 12 Human Design Profiles

·        A description of your Definition; how your energy pattern runs through the body

·        A card for each Channel in your chart, reminding you of the energy and uniqueness you bring to the world

·        If you have undefined Centers, cards for each, affirming the wisdom potential for that Center

·        Your Strategy in life – one of four possibilities associated with your Type

·        Reminders of your unique decision-making Authority; one of seven possible personal Authorities

Please use the form below to order your Affirmation Cards.

Cards can be ordered without a Human Design report, but the report is recommended if you don’t know the basics of your Design.

We will be in touch with you to verify birth information and to give you a link to make your payment.
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